Wednesday 24 February 2016

Time Management for Unit 70

Now that I have completed unit 70 this is a good time for me to look back at how well I managed my time and assignments through out the unit.  Work wise I think I managed my time brilliantly, I kept up to date with all the work that we had been doing in class and kept on and even a few time slightly ahead of schedule.  I can this down to putting in a good effort overall to the unit, a significant  improvement on my attendance and a better overall understanding of the various software used through out this unit like Unreal Engine 4, Maya, Photoshop and others.  However there were some areas in which I was lacking.  When I came to blogging I was very laid back about it and didn't keep up with it on a daily bases.  This turned out to be quite an inconvenience as I had to go back and look at the entire unit just to make sure that I hadn't left anything out.  When doing this I tried to get some more screenshots from Crazy Bump but by this time my trial had expired so I was not able to do this, this was really disappointing for me because if had just gotten the screenshots there and then and blogged about it at the time I would not have had this problem.  However this is a lesson learned and in future I will know to take some time either after lessons or at home to blog.